Wednesday, August 26, 2009

why musLim can'T eat pork meat??

-> whY we can't eat pork??hmm...did u noticed bout it??why our religion prohibit not eat pork?wahaa,.there so many question played in my mind,..haa..can u described bout it frenz??as i im a student nurse..pork is one of many food forbidden from consumption..huh..bout my religion or as Quran says..that can i described is we'll basically as musLim believe only aLLah can decide what we can eat and since aLLah never allowed eat pork,therefore,we cannot eat it...As well as we beLieve it dirty aniMaL and many -ve effects when eaten that meat..!!urgh...yark..Today,we have come to know that pork is the most unhygiene form of meat...Many disease are known caused oNLy froM pork...did u mention bout it?HARAM DI SISI AGAMA right?if sumbody tell me that 'pig are eat grass no disease transfer is possible.'..So i'll tell them that ALLAH is Legislator who when decrees,so that is for all human..noot for u aLone"..huhu..all of reasons should be partially the right 1 or still there could be other reasons that ALLAH knows but we dont that ALLAH knows better..ngee..